Brene Brown

Dare to Lead

“In the past, jobs were about muscles. Now they’re about brains. But in the future, they will be about the heart.” – Minouche Shafik

Key Takeaways

There are two forms of leadership – Armored Leadership versus Daring Leadership. Below are 16 forms that talk about what an Armored Leadership looks like paralleled to a Daring lead.


16 Forms of Armored Leadership versus Daring Leadership


Armored: Driving Perfectionism and fostering fear of failure
Daring: Modeling and encouraging healthy striving, empathy, and compassion

Armored: Working from scarcity and squandering opportunities for joy and recognition
Daring: Practicing gratitude and celebrating milestones and victories

Armored: Numbing
Daring: Setting boundaries and finding real comfort

Armored: Propagating the false dichotomy of victim or Viking, crushed or be crushed
Daring: Practicing integration. Strong back, soft front. Wild heart.

Armored: Always being a knower and being right
Daring: Being a learner and getting it right

Armored: Hiding behind cynism
Daring: Modeling clarity, kindness, and hope

Armored: Using criticism as self-protection
Daring: Making contributions and taking risks

Armored: Using power over people
Daring: Using with, the power to, and power within

Armored: Leaves us hustling for our worth
Daring: Knowing our value

Armored: Leading for compliance and control
Daring: Cultivating commitment and shared purpose

Armored: Weaponizing fear and uncertainty
Daring: Acknowledging, naming, and normalizing collective fear and uncertainty

Armored: Rewarding exhaustion as a status symbol, and attaching productivity and self-worth
Daring: Modeling and supporting rest, play, and recovery

Armored: Tolerating discrimination, echo chambers, and fitting-in culture
Daring: Cultivating a culture of belonging, inclusivity, and diverse perspectives

Armored: We collect gold stars
Daring: We give gold stars

Armored: Zigzagging and avoiding
Daring: Straight talking and taking action

Armored: Leading from hurt
Daring: Leading from the heart