Personal Growth

How a Leader Charts a New Direction

Learn the four things leaders do to chart a new direction of an organization.

To change the direction of an organization, the leader must be effective first. Limitations can happen even for smart, talented, successful people.

The McDonald’s Story on Leadership Effectiveness

Here’s an excerpt from ‘The 21 Laws of Leadership’ by John Maxwell. 1

Dick and Maurice McDonald had hit the American jackpot. But the truth is they never went any farther. That strained their ability to succeed because they were not great leaders.

They were financially secure. They are talented in customer service and kitchen organization. This led them to the idea of marketing the McDonald’s concept. The idea of franchising restaurants wasn’t new.

In 1952, they got started. They were good restaurant owners and managers, but they were not strong leaders. So in 1954, they hooked up with Ray Kroc, who was a leader.

Ray Crock had a vision that the restaurant can go nationwide in hundreds of markets. He soon struck a deal with Dick and Maurice and formed the McDonald’s System, Inc. (later called the McDonald’s Corporation).


Ray Kroc was the man who changed the course for McDonald’s

Kroc began to assemble a team and build organization to make McDonald’s a nationwide entity. He sacrificed a lot. During his first eight years, he took no salary. He eliminated many frills at home, including his country club membership. He even borrowed from the bank and against his life insurance. It helped cover the salaries of a few key leaders he wanted on the team. His sacrifice and leadership paid off.

In 1961, for the sum of $2.7 million, Kroc bought exclusive rights to McDonald’s from the brothers. Then he proceeded to turn it into an American institution and global entity. His leadership ability was much higher than that of his predecessors.

The McDonald’s attempted to franchise over the years on their own. But they managed to sell the concept to only fifteen buyers. Only ten of whom actually opened restaurants. And even in that small enterprise, their limited leadership and vision were impediment. For example, when their first franchise, Neil Fox of Phoenix, told the brothers that he wanted to call his restaurant McDonald’s, Dick’s response was, “What… for? McDonald’s means nothing in Phoenix.”

On the other hand, the leadership ability in Ray Kroc’s life was sky high. Between 1955 and 1959, Kroc succeeded in opening 100 restaurants. Four years after that, there were 500 McDonald’s. Today the company has opened more than 21,000 restaurants in no fewer than 100 countries. The lack of leadership ability was the lid on the McDonald brothers’ effectiveness.”


Leadership Law of the Lid

The ability to lead is the hinge that rules out a person’s effectiveness to change the course. You either need to change the leader of your organization or develop someone to becoming a leader. This is the first step in order to change the direction of your organization.

We can be smart, but without leadership ability, it limits the organization. A person needs to be effective in leadership first before he can change the direction. Then see ahead. And plan a course of action.

How a Leader Charts the Course


1. Facts and Faith

Before taking action, a leader concludes with both facts and faith. That is having the faith that can take his people all the way and also see the facts realistically.

“Realistic leaders are objective enough to minimize illusions. They understand that self-deception can cost them their vision.” – Bill Easum

It is the capability to have a balance of optimism, realism, intuition, planning, faith, and fact. This is what it takes to be successful in leading the new path.

2. Having the Vision

The larger the organization, the clearer a leader must be able to see ahead. Sheer size makes mid corrections more difficult. Because you can experience genuine opposition. And you could sink the organization if charting the course is not navigated well.

3. Plan Ahead

John Maxwell tells us about this strategy. This became his blueprint as he prepared to lead his people. How to chart the ship in a new direction is to plan ahead.

P – Predetermines a course of action
L – Layout your goals
A – Adjust priorities
N – Notify key personnel

A – Allow time for acceptance
H – Head into action
E – Expect problems
A – Always point to the success
D – Daily review your plan


4. Learn what stops change

There are four main factors that hinder successful change:

  • fear of change
  • ignorance
  • uncertainty about the future
  • lack of imagination

In leadership, you need to prepare for these hindrances and plan how to face them. It is important to counter this with thorough planning and communication. Give it all you got. Then answer all the questions. Present detailed plans. When the leader prepares well, he conveys confidence and trust in people.

Recap: How a Leader takes an organization in a new direction

  1. The leader must be effective in leadership first.
  2. Before taking the action, the leader concludes with both facts and faith.
  3. The leader can see ahead and have the vision.
  4. The key is thorough planning and preparation.

You know when you successfully navigated the waters well when you experience little to no opposition.

How your people can maintain the course charted 

  1. Keep the vision in front of the people. Acknowledge the success of this new venture and give them good reports of the outcome.
  2. Let your key personnel be accounted for. This goes to key managers, supervisors, other leaders, and workers. You charted the course. Let the people steer the ship.


Useful Tools to becoming a Leader

If you want to learn more about how to become an effective leader, read my book summary of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. Check out leadership courses that are not only valuable and available online, but highly rated.

Seth Godin’s Leadership WorkshopLearn the concrete steps to lead change and create an alternative future for yourself and others.

Think Like a Leader by Brian Tracy – Change your day to day habits to become a powerful motivator and achieve leadership success

The Science of Leadership – Leadership, management techniques and communication skills based on research from neuroscience to social psychology

More Courses about Leadership and Self-growth

Attend Professional Seminars in your area. Some of the best avenues to look for are:


How can seminars help you?

Going to a seminar makes you feel more invested because of your effort. You will be around professional people. Mostly, C-suite executives, board directors, mid-level managers, and rising supervisors. If you are in a place to lead, the seminars will get you to develop a personal action plan for your organization.

Coaching/Finding a Mentor

One-on-one coaching may be right for you when you need more in-depth conversations. Coaches check personal behaviors, expectations, ambitions, strengths, and weaknesses. This can match you to someone who has faced similar obstacles and opportunities. Coaching can provide customized programs that address your challenges and growth goals.

You can use all the tools above.

Learners gather information from many sources. Get ideas from your team. Talk to people in your group to find out what’s happening at the grassroots level. Spend time with leaders from outside your organization who can be a mentor.

I hope you get what you need. No matter where you are starting from, you can get better. This is good news about Leadership.

